installing openh264 on Fedora 24

Lately we have been working with the Workstation Working Group to setup the ability to build and make available a legal h.264 codec for fedora. Cisco has made available a patent grant for the codec,  you can find out more about it at the openh264 project.  One of the main conditions is that you have to download the binary rpms from Cisco directly. In order to meet this requirement we have blocked downloading the built rpms from koji, and put up a site hosting the repodata. The download of the rpms then comes from Cisco.


if you are using gnome and you go to play media using h.264 you should be prompted to enable the repo and install the rpms.  If you are using any other environment or want to just use dnf, follow the following steps:

Enable the repo, it ships disabled with metadata enabled

$ sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled fedora-cisco-openh264

then install the mozilla integration and the gstreamer plugin

$ sudo dnf install mozilla-openh264 gstreamer1-plugin-openh264
Importing GPG key 0x81B46521:
 Userid : "Fedora (24) <[email protected]>"
 Fingerprint: 5048 BDBB A5E7 76E5 47B0 9CCC 73BD E983 81B4 6521
 From : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-24-armhfp
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Fedora 24 openh264 (From Cisco) - armhfp 
Last metadata expiration check: 0:02:13 ago on Wed May 11 13:38:09 2016.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package Arch Version Repository Size
 gstreamer1-plugin-openh264 armv7hl 1.6.1-2.fc24 fedora-cisco-openh264 20 k
 mozilla-openh264 armv7hl 1.5.2-0.4.git21e44bd.fc24 fedora-cisco-openh264 295 k
 openh264 armv7hl 1.5.2-0.4.git21e44bd.fc24 fedora-cisco-openh264 290 k
Transaction Summary
Install 3 Packages
Total download size: 604 k
Installed size: 1.4 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Downloading Packages:
(1/3): gstreamer1-plugin-openh264-1.6.1-2.fc24.armv7hl.rpm 12 kB/s | 20 kB 00:01 
(2/3): mozilla-openh264-1.5.2-0.4.git21e44bd.fc24.armv7hl.rpm 168 kB/s | 295 kB 00:01 
(3/3): openh264-1.5.2-0.4.git21e44bd.fc24.armv7hl.rpm 158 kB/s | 290 kB 00:01 
Total 322 kB/s | 604 kB 00:01 
Running transaction check
Transaction check succeeded.
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded.
Running transaction
 Installing : openh264-1.5.2-0.4.git21e44bd.fc24.armv7hl 1/3 
 Installing : mozilla-openh264-1.5.2-0.4.git21e44bd.fc24.armv7hl 2/3 
 Installing : gstreamer1-plugin-openh264-1.6.1-2.fc24.armv7hl 3/3 
 Verifying : mozilla-openh264-1.5.2-0.4.git21e44bd.fc24.armv7hl 1/3 
 Verifying : gstreamer1-plugin-openh264-1.6.1-2.fc24.armv7hl 2/3 
 Verifying : openh264-1.5.2-0.4.git21e44bd.fc24.armv7hl 3/3
 gstreamer1-plugin-openh264.armv7hl 1.6.1-2.fc24 mozilla-openh264.armv7hl 1.5.2-0.4.git21e44bd.fc24 openh264.armv7hl 1.5.2-0.4.git21e44bd.fc24

The repodata for this repo and the rpms are signed with the fedora key. right now we only have the fedora 24 repo up, we will be aiming to finalise the process and get Rawhide and Fedora 23 rpms and repos up this week also.

I would  like to thank the Workstation Working group and Cisco for sorting out the agreements for this to be possible.

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12 responses to “installing openh264 on Fedora 24”

  1. I have the same issue at that link.
    # rpm -q firefox mozilla-openh264 gstreamer1-plugin-openh264 openh264

  2. That’s because Firefox dropped gstreamer support and loads ffmpeg-libs now. If you want to play h264 by Firefox you need to install ffmpeg-libs from

  3. So, I followed these directions, but I found nothing worked yet (at least not according to, until I went into firefox’s menu => Addons => Plugins, where “OpenH264 Video Codec provided by Cisco…” was listed as Disabled/Never-Activate. After manually enabling it (Always Activate), then things worked as expected.

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