FISL Day 2

yesterday was the middle day of FISL, I went to a talk given by one of the Fedora Ambassadors Rodrigo Padula de Oliveira, it was entitled XO / OLPC – Ele é verde, bonitinho e roda Fedora (XO/OLPC – It is green, beautiful and runs Fedora) while in Portuguese, I was able to follow parts of it. I had helped Rodrigo earlier in the day setting up his laptop to show sugar during his talk. he was trying to use sugar-jhbuild which really needs to be rm -rf’d from everywhere. Things would not build because they needed patching for gcc-4.3 (he is running rawhide 🙂 ) and the build process wipes away your patches (Thanks spot for trying) so we yum installed suagr and telepath-salut telepathy-gable (Still some packaging issues to be fixed) I grabbed some .xo bundles and put them in /usr/share/activities and he was able to log into sugar from gdm, out of the box. you can also run sugar inside your regular desktop by running sugar-emulator. I need to finish getting some changes into the activity packaging guidelines so that we can package up sugar activities as rpms they you will be able to run “yum groupinstall sugar-desktop” and get a working sugar environment, perfect for your kids to use, or for developing activities.

There is alot of Activity development here in Brazil. Some of them we see. I met the team that developed paint last night at the Mozilla 10th Birthday party. A lot of the activities we dont see. a problem we have is having a way for activity developers to know where and how to post information on the activity. I think a great project for someone would be to write a TurboGears app like Fedora’s Package Database that we could use for tracking activities. something that would let people find out about the different activities that are out there.

Fedora is a great place for people to get involved in OLPC, the OS on the XO is based on fedora. Fedora is a great development tool. with sugar shipping in fedora, its a great tool to develop activities for sugar. If you have kids and want to give them the sugar experience then fedora is also great for that. OLPC and Fedora have a lot that they can gain from each other. We really need to work better together. PLease contact me if you want to help in any way shape or form. It really does not matter what part of the world you are in.

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