2008 intresting start

So found out whats wrong with my car, The fuel pump went. I thought thats not to bad ill get it fixed and be on my way. Then they gave me the price $981 suffice to say a 1996 Camero is worth about $2K as a trade it also has a couple of minnor things to get fixed. So instead of fixing it i sold it as is. So now im carless. Which is not to bad. I had driven my car maybe 4 times in the last 2 months. of course it had a full tank of petrol. Ill see how we go as a one car family. If its ok then we will probably stay that way. If not ill hold out for a G8, gotta buy an Aussie car. I might buy a bike so i can ride to the gym.

Currently im sitting in Peoria airport waiting for my flight to Chicago, then on to Raleigh for fudcon. Im quite excited about fudcon I really want to get secondary archs up and running this weekend. I also want to get the rest of Fedora Directory server Reviewed and into Fedora. Passing though security was kinda humerous the security guy pulled aside one of my XO’s. He asked for help from another security person. both of them with a paniced look said to me “What is this and how does it open” They had relieved looks on their faces when i opened it and showed them what it is. Both saying “I never would have worked out how to open it”. Anyways my plane is now boarding.

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