For those that dont know yet. Im changing jobs. I accepted an offer from OLPC, I will be their build system and release engineer person. I will be working remotely however I will be spending time in Boston, so any fedora people that want to catch up drop me a line. This is an opportunity that came my way entirely because of my work with fedora. So to everyone that works on Fedora thank you. I officially start on Nov 12.
What does this mean for fedora? Well for one, I plan to do everything I can in fedora. I will be spending more time on fedora. I will also be trying to build a community around OLPC. Hopefully much like mmcgrath has done with Fedora Infrastructure. I would like to enable people to build their own custom firmware for the XO. Mainly enabling the countries to be self sufficient. Take the pieces that are of intrest to them and make it work. Right now im just barely getting my toes wet and have yet to work out everything that will be involved. I will be posting as often as I can, making sure that everyone knows whats going on. It really is intresting to see how OLPC has taken the fedora base and added sugar on top of it. It is not your fathers fedora :).